Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Chapter

Well, I have officially graduated from Kent. As I am apt to do in the summertime, I have begun to realize just how much I disliked my high school. Nevertheless, I am also attempting to take the last couple of years in stride before I begin my new adventure in college. I have to say that I am incredibly excited about the school that I chose! It sometimes becomes quite difficult to just sit around here, knowing that when school starts my life will be so totally altered. My parents have been telling me for years that I am much more suited to college life. I have never been great at keeping in touch with friends either (the friends who are the closest to me are the ones who I know I will be able to connect with the easiest the next time that we meet) and the rush that people seem to feel with as the date for depature grows closer often seems shallow and superficial to me. I have spent the last month or so babysitting, getting to know my Grandmother because I am watering almost every two days, and just relaxing. Attempting to reorient myself for college life sometimes takes me away from where I am in the moment. I am trying to do that so that the shock of leaving home is not too horrible. I have also been trying to realter the way that I see the world around me. I am practicing shifting my focus from the way that others view me to the way that I see myself. Suddenly I am not spending half as much time worrying about what others are thinking or saying about what I am wearing or the way that I look. It is refreshing in a way and a nice new start. I have also begun cooking a lot. I am helping my sister with her cooking business, but also simply paging through recipe books and trying new things out. I absolutely love the summer time. I sleep so much better now without all the stress of highschool and I can't wait to see where my own feet will take me as I turn onto the next avenue!