Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Different World

Since we last spoke, much has happened.
A girl in my sister's grade committed suicide at her high school. Amidst the lovely triumph of my new college life was sprinkled moments of tragedy when I remembered what the community I had just left behind was experiencing constantly. It was too easy for me to slip away, to ignore what had happened. When it hit me, it hit me hard and knocked me out until I could barely make it to a friend's room where she would let me recover from the enormous sadness sitting on my chest on her futon.
I met an amazing, wonderful boy. He loves to dance and is incredibly friendly. I went through the first motions of what I thought was starting a relationship, becoming friends but not friends. You know that place? He told me how much he enjoyed spending time with me, that I was great, that he cared for me. He answered all the questions I ask him about life, love and his awful history. He pays attention to what I say and when he looks at me with his light brown eyes, I know he is seeing me. He sees how I shut down when I am sad, past the weird awkward bundle that I am when he is around, he sees what no one else has or has ever tried to see. He doesn't let me become the invisible anthropologist who asks questions but is never expected to answer. He is asexual. Of course, that didn't matter, as much as I tried to make it matter, when we had our "touching" dance rehearsal. It was difficult to remember that he said he didn't like boys or girls and had never had a crush on anyone when his body was sliding around and on top of mine, when he was dipping me and supporting me. And then, when he took my hand it put it up to his chest, his heart just under the surface, beating, so fragile, just fluttering. When he enclosed me in his arms and I reminded myself that this dance wasn't for me, it wasn't about me, I was just a prop at the moment (the assignment: one partner was to use the other's body as a prop while they stood motionless and impassive. The dancer was supposed to remember a time when he/she had really just wanted someone to hear them, to see them). "This isn't about me," I reminded myself as he ran his knuckles down my arms. And it just all felt so right, so wonderful and magical and comfortable, all this to me, a person who has always had touching issues. I always have felt like touching someone was a promise and I am much too scared to promise my body to someone else. But not to him.
Should I feel fucked? I do sometimes. I totally...well, something close to love...this boy. And he is asexual. For now? For always? Oh god. But I also feel loved.
He was the only one who offered to talk about my grandfather's death. My grandfather, my favorite person in the entire world. Again, I didn't have to deal with it sitting 3,000 miles away from my family, from most reminders that this wonderful person was gone forever. One night, I had a dream about him. It was a happy dream, we were both laughing, him lying in his bed looking healthier than he had for years. But I woke up so sad and it was like a dam had broken. For the next couple of weeks, it became more and more difficult to get out of bed. It didn't help that I am taking 5 classes, working 4 days a week, volunteering, and have dance rehearsal really late two nights. Finally, I lost it and canceled all my commitments. And called over the boy I mentioned above, who we shall simply call the Boy I Love (a self-fulfilling prophecy?), something I never do. I never ask for help, don't want to appear dramatic. And he showed up to take care of me, twice.
Finally, I attended my grandfather's memorial service. It was terrible, but really helped. I think that things will be better when I get back to school.
Not to mention that the spring is coming!! I think part of all this was a bit of the Winter Blahs, although it wasn't terrible. Everything was just so bare and so brown and it always makes me hungry for green, for life.
I am on break now, trying to recooperate. Trying to sort out my mind and get ready to go back. I truly do love my new school and all that I am learning and becoming.
Wish me luck!