Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Start of Something New!!!!

Well, dear bloggedy-boo, as I am sure you are somewhat aware, I will soon be jetting off into a new college life. This summer has not brought about many changes. I have been soaking up the summer sun, as always. For money I have been babysitting and cooking with my sister. I have been trying to prepare mentally for what is coming next, but, honestly, so much of it resides in the unknown that it is terribley difficult.
As for friends, these last two weeks have brought about a spurt of seeing people. The reality of leaving is right in front of my eyes, with friends jetting off this weekend!!! GAh!!!! In some ways it has been really good. As I am terribley anti-social in the summer, this realization has helped me put the pedal to the medal in terms of seeing the people I most care about.
At the moment, my biggest dilemma is a friend who never wants to stop seeing me. I am at the point where I would like to let her know that we need to stop seeing as much of one another. She is very clingey and, as I have come to realize this summer, sweet but not terribely interesting. This has put me in a spot as she keeps wanting to do something before she leaves for this trip or I leave or whatever. Now there are only a few days left of her being in Colorado and I am honestly unsure of whether or not I can stand anymore. I have spent more time with her this summer than I have with any other person. To hang out or not to hang out, that is my question!!!
Just yesterday I had an Indian food and Bollywood movie night with a friend. It was great and I am sure that she is one of the two people I will really want to keep in contact with as I move on in my life. As I dropped her off at her house, I realized that this would probably be the last time I would see her in the next few months and I grew very sad! Tonight a similar occurence took place. I went to a pool party and some many of the friends who are awesome people to hang out with but who I dont usually pursue. We swam and shot water guns at one another and laughed and laughed and laughed. I almost felt that not having seen them all summer helped with this, because I wasn't frusterated with this one's immaturity or that one's constant talking. It was just a good time. As some of my pals started to head off, I decided I would as well. My car ride suddenly seemed very lonely and I felt awfully melancholy. Is there something I have missed in not pursuing these friendships, or will they remain more sweet and untainted without being stale? I am unsure. I just felt a real longing for what I had left behind: childhood, it almost seemed. Being care free, laughing and having fun. It was a beautiful culmination of my time in high school and I hope will be a memory that will remain with me as I move on and begin to reflect more on how I spent those four years.

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