Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Love of My Life

Field hockey. Ha! You thought I was going to say the Green Eyed one or Hebrew Boy or someone else. Nah. They are but mere mortals. Field hockey is the love of my life. This is the one thing that I love that I haven't been good at. I have had to work my butt off, starting as the last player to be put on in 6th grade at the worst school, playing more in 7th, starting in 8th then going to high school where I was the 3rd worst player on the freshman/C team, starting on JV sophmore year, benching it on varsity junior year and hopefully being a starter on the state champ team next year. I am just about to depart for 4 days of field hockey and I can't wait. There are some things I dread, namely the people I play with, but everything else should be spectacular. My little sis and her friend are coming along this year, so I can chill with them if need be. Misfits don't generally play field hockey, so when I am with my team I am rather quiet. We have all come to respect and tolerate one another for the sake of the team and none of them are truly horrible people, we just don't all see eye to eye. But I am studying as hard as I can, watching field hockey, playing, thinking, breathing field hockey. I am filled by that determination that comes with the knowledge that there are so many people who think I "Can't" but that also there are so many people, including my coach, an AMAZING player and hard ass person, who think I "Can". And me. I know I can. Every year I train my butt off and accomplish my goal. Nothing is sure, but I have enough fire within me to work as hard as I possibly can. I love field hockey. I will be sore and exhausted, sweaty and hot, but I will play as though I just stepped out onto the field. What I lack in skill I will make up for in determination, and slowly I will learn the skills. I can be faster, stronger because I want this. Go me!!!

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