Friday, August 22, 2008

Seeing Spots Cont.

I have had it with high school. I have had it with the drama. I have had it with Mama's girl. She LIED to me. I asked her if she invited everyone to slong's party and she said, yep, got it covered. Come to find out, she didn't. She didn't even bother. there are so many words that I want to call her right now. There is no excuse. It is not her party. It is slong's. She should have the people who slong invited there. I have had it. I am so ready to take her down. And I hope that all the people she "forgot" to invite show tomorrow, even though I was so late on checking, just to freak her out. Cause she won't be able to do a thing. Yeah, yeah I know, I hold a grudge and I am so ready for a smack down. And I am making this more about me and her than about slong. I'm working on it. It will be about slong. I am just so frusterated. But if my friendy friend, gymnastica shows up and hebrew boy and rainbow girl and native american girl and big butt and skinny smart show She will be screwed. Honestly. You can't reserve tables at CPK I don't think, but she will be in major trouble if she somehow got a table. And there wont be anything she can do about it b/c SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE INVITED EVERYONE and asking why they show up will be calling her bluff AND showing just what a crappy person she is. I am tired and that might be why I feel more chemically unbalanced than normal but I am SO mad. WHY????? Selfish much??? But I swear, I will be calm and sickly sweet much as I always am. B/c this is about slong, one of the sweetest people on the planet, about her birthday about showing her how much we love her. This is not about winning. this is not a game. This is all for slong. And I will take that step up and be above stupid mama's girl b/c I am so so much better than that. And she should NEVER, NEVER play games with a girl who can so obviously play them better.

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