Saturday, February 21, 2009

Important Convos...

On my acting:
honestly your acting is the best out of all thge three
like i actualy hd that thought when yo guys were singing matchmaker today
you are the only one that has thought that this isnt just a song we are singing there is a reason to why you are singing it
you are really a talented actress
easily the strongest actress in the cast
nope honestly
haley has a role that has a ton of potential but she is shying away from it tay lor is just focusin to much on actions and not enough on motivation and caitlynn is trying to hard to be in love instead of being in love
youy actualy seem to understand your character more than any of the,
hahaha to be a really good actor it takes a ton of preperation and time actualy
which i have not put enough into
but i dont know i dont think i have a true grasp of this show yet or what it is like i dont see what mr.ellis's image for this show really is
but it does show
and you are dojng an awesome job
like when i was atching matchmaker i
literly thought wow QueenE really can see her match in the broom
anbd no joke that is somethng that is pretty damn hard
and most of all you are able to pull of being in love with kevin which like you guys said is the most awkward couple ever
you have by far the most powerful scene
when you are begging tevye to recognize you
yeah it does
it works out very well
peter is a strong actor and you both do very well in that scene

Fyedka: i'm not just saying this cause ur saying it to me
but you hold ur own against Hodel and shes insanely good. i feel like ur just as good as she is
im being serious
that kinda sounded like a backward compliment
but it was meant as a compliment

Queen E:
i need to apologize
sry i was so nasty/cold to u at that...year off dealio {I was post-Fiddler depression. I had spent the Saturday night at the end of the show sad and crying with the cast. Mr E., our director, had abeautiful end speech and I was just bawling. I cried alot of Sunday. And then my eyes were so puffy on the Monday and I hadn't done any homework the week before. I cried alot of Monday night and just couldn't handle it anymore...I skipped Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday night I had this "year off" b/w college and high school thing that Ma wanted me to go to. I saw Green Eye's Dad there and just really really didn't want to deal with him....but then he showed up and...I was way way cold....He came to the play though!!!! I used guilt...bad...but it worked! And it meant a lot to me! Like I said, I've never been so proud of anything I've done before. )
Green Eyes
ok/apology accepted/um/right/glad we got that out of the way/so whats up?
in the midst of a concious of race identity crisis
Queen E
its weird/u?
Green Eyes
I'm in the midst of an english paper/so not quite as significant as your dillema
Queen E
watcha writin about?
Green Eyes
Eliots Waste Land/lines 25-30 to be exact
Queen E!/have u ever heard of anyone named liliana/ok ok ok no scratch the above question
Green Eyes
lily lerner?/ummmm/i don't think so/maybe.../but i don't think so
Queen E
so if u found something like kind of really stereotypical/racist on someones facebook page who u know...and have interacted u say something or do u let it go?
Green Eyes
probably say something/but its your decision
Queen E
no no no i need advice/so u would say something?
Green Eyes
i just gave you advice/the advice was
Queen E
but what if it was posted by someone else...who u have also met
Green Eyes
its your decision/so go with what you feel is right/which, knowing you, would probably mean saying something {I didn't end up saying anything. I realized that Green Eyes also has a kinda weird racial thing on his page...but that he didn't mean it maliciously...and that....I mean, was it any of my business? I don't know...I feel ok with my decision...I thought really hard about it}
Queen E
i know but....recently ive really been overreacting...especially to things about mean ok so yeah maybe i always overreact/im just in a weird place right now {I had just yelled at Brandog for thinking that Lil Alyssa (the only other dark skinned girl in the cast) was my sister....she is native american...and looks nothing like me...and I've had it happen before but I just really, in bad form, flipped out at him}
Green Eyes
no no. it's your identity. I highly doubt you are overreacting you'd really have to be lying to yourself to over-react to something like that. That is, overreact more than usual =)
Queen E:
haha/its just all weird...cause...its that kid i played opposit in the play/and he has this bumper sticker that is like "niglet" which is like the black version of piglet holding kfc and watermelon
and im really offended...but his sister sent it to him...and...its kinda old so then im just really creepy/and i dont talk to him /argh/i dont know what to do /this is more than a little annoying
Green Eyes
Queen E
so god i know im sposed to like follow my heart or whatever but what do i do!!!!
Green Eyes
well, to be honest the best advice i could give is just /yeah/follow your hear or whatever/but if you want something more concrete than that/then I advise that you call him out. Do it in private if it makes it easier. you said you don't talk to him so what do you have to lose? Who cares if you seem creepy
Queen E:
ok /thanks
Green Eyes
sure/just do it/that's my advice
Queen E
thats solid advice
Green Eyes
tell the kid what an ignorant bastard he is
Queen E
but i mean, he's not... {I kinda had a crush...just a little one...on fyedka. he was sweet. WAY more touchy feely than me which was kinda odd...we had one really good hug at the end of the play...aww...haha...but im done, it was just fun while it lasted}
Green Eyes
the last part?
Queen E
it seems like he got it and then just forgot about it...
Green Eyes
Queen E
which is why i feel weird
Green Eyes
oh/well..../tell him anyways/ok well then you are doing a favor by reminding him
Queen E
is that what is cause i just feel bitchy and oversensitive!
Green Eyes
now, my real advice is 'follow your heart'/but since you didn't want that/...
Queen E
haha no thats good advice too/that just makes it harder/speaking of hearts/are u like 'involved' with anyone right now?
Green Eyes
who cares if sound bitchy?/really/i mean, is the rep more important?
Queen E
meh...i dont generally, but he put up with all my weirdness and was genuinely sweet all throughout the play
Green Eyes
sounds like a sweetie
Queen E
he says with contempt
Green Eyes
frankly, its his sister who you should talk to if you talk to anyone/but lets not get in to that
Queen E
i know...i even met her...but she doesnt go to kent...shes in college
Green Eyes
you are dificult./ya know that?/i know you do./but just thought i'd throw it out there
Queen E
yeah i do
Green Eyes
Queen E
i mean i am like super cold to u even though i greet nicholi like my best friend/i know how incredibly odd i am /im still tryingt to figure me out
Green Eyes
haha/what a mystery you are!
Queen E
it was a bad night...
Green Eyes
what was?/tonight?
Queen E
no...that year off night...i was gonna try not to make excuses/so moving on
do u want to meet liliana? shes really cool/ive always wanted to set u up with one of my friends/haha, how weird is that
Green Eyes
Queen E
ok/nifty/princess t doesnt think u two will click/ok wow im gonna just stop taling haha/anyways...../hows ur paper?
Green Eyes
princess t doesn't think we'll click?/maybe that's because princess t and I don't click
Queen E
Green Eyes
no i'm just saying
Queen E
haha that might be true actually /liliana is like one of the most passionate people i know /and i guess she just reminded me of u {so much for my not meddling eh? but i didnt ever do it...}
Green Eyes
hee/well she sounds cool/I'd love to meet her.
Queen E
haha ok. this is so odd haha/oh/and now my friend cali fish girl wants to meet u/but im not subjecting u to that
Green Eyes
I'd love to meet cali fish girl too
Queen E
umm...well...are u in sports or something this next season?
Green Eyes
Queen E
no no u really dont, alot of the time i really dont want to meet cali fish girl
Green Eyes
hahahaha/yeah... um/then no/i would not love to meet cali fish girl/and yes/i am in frisbee
Queen E
yes to sports?/no way!/
Green Eyes
but as a third tri senior
Queen E
meaning...u dont take it seriously?
Green Eyes
yes way/yes/i mean, if i wanted something serious i'd do lax/then again, i probably wouldn't take that seriously either
Queen E
did u ever start doing yoga?
Green Eyes
nope/i did racquetball instead/great fun
Queen E
haha /thats awesome/oh oh wait are u going to the bball game tmrw?
b/c my school and yours?
Green eyes
hm?/oh/um/probably not
Queen E
b/w not b/w/ok /thats good /haha nvmd
Green Eyes
where is it?
Queen E
my school
Green Eyes
oh/what time?
Queen E
um it doesnt matter?/i mean its at 7-9 /but theres not pt/*no
Green Eyes
care to elaborate or prefer to stay elusive as usual??
Queen E
my elaborations are usually rambly and annoying, elusiveness is so much more tidy
Green Eyes
and annoying

Queen E
sassy1/*!/i was going to spontaneously plan a meeting for u and liliana...but she is a crazy volunteering donating blood and princess t would probably be stuck in bed
and liliana and i are really behind on work.../so the planning and the explanation were void
Green Eyes
Queen E
yes it was
Green Eyes
not so painful was it?/and here! you get a sticker!
Queen E
u know sometimes i think ur the nicest person i know
Green Eyes

but then other times.../=)
Queen E
and then other times i think urthe only one who is brave enough to be condescending and patronizing to me
Green Eyes

you're certain of it
Queen E
Green Eyes

Queen E
ur a v. interesting person
Green Eyes
thank you?/thank you./you're no bore yourself
Queen E
have u seen the movie charlie bartlett?
Green Eyes
not for a few days/(no)
Queen E
haha what? ok /dude guess who i saw the other day
Green Eyes
captain planet.
Queen E
how do u do that reading mind thing?/wtf NO/tap dancer from stanley kid/member him?
Green Eyes
Queen E
u should become a professional
Green Eyes
yeah/how is he?/a professional what?
Queen E
a professional clairvoyant/i think he's good? i was at the college he goes to /he seems pretty happy
Green Eyes
i don't think there is high demand for those right now
Queen E
really? dont u think people would love to be told what to do? what their "fate" is?
Green Eyes
haha/who knows/oh wait!/i do!
Queen E
haha wow
Green Eyes
wait wait!/I am beginning to see the future!/yes!... its becoming clearer!
Queen E
oh wow! tell me oh wise one what u see!!
Green Eyes
I.../I... I am going to sign off in a few seconds!
Queen E
no way!
Green Eyes
Queen E
amazing thing./well thanks /for/um/being u?/haha/ill ttul

(I'm sure this seems like definitley does to me but I figure maybe I'll actually treasure this...its a record of how Green Eyes is...what we talk about...our lives...the slang etc...its a time capsule in itself)
P.S. I ate tamarind candy today. I felt like I was consuming a smoker. Disgusting. Don't do that again.
Queen E

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