Thursday, February 26, 2009

How the World Sees us

In high school, the world is...well, school. Generally. Ok, maybe just where I go to school. Anyways, I'm taking AP English with this amazing teacher who we shall just call Battman. Today, he was SO excited about going to a play with his Shakespeare seminar class that he just couldn't handle any work, so we just got to talk which is just SO nice. He started telling us a story about breaking up with a girl friend in high school. I asked him what "type" of person he was in highsschool and CPossehl asked which one of us he would be. He implied that he was the quiet type. I was curious as to whether he really knew what our "types" were and so I asked him and he said he wasn't really sure, that he could only guess. We wanted him to guess and he tried to, a little bit, but suggested instead that we all do one another. All this, of course, is in the chatty, 300 conversations at a time highschool classroom manner. I love that battman lets us be like that, so we can just say what we need to when we want to and, although I don't always hear everything, I generally feel like I learn so much. Maybe it is just my fast, wired teenage brain that craves such loud chaos.
Anyways, I wanted to kind of commemorate what we said about one another, cause I think it would be awesome to have in a couple years.
CProcknow: Jokingly, of course, a ginger, haha. Funny and awkward. Good natured. Friendly. Witty. Just generally a good guy. Pretty smart.
DODonnel: Mysterious, strong silent, kind of quiet, lots of memories came up, like about his 55 pg paper in 7th grade to review for the history exam, or when he was a scrawny kid in elementary school with big glasses as PWalker said.
SMyers: subtley inappropriate alot, funny, nice, "SMyers can be mean!" as HScott said
EArchibald: SO sarcastic, v. few things come out of his mouth that aren't sarcastic, 'has the one liners everybody wishes they had but don't"-PWalker, genuine about stuff he really loves (soccer), HScott told story about him in 7th grade when he said something saracastic about how cold it was and some girl kicked him in the balls
SWhite: V. Laid back (compared to KWhite), quiet, genuine, good natured, can be astonishingly driven and Battman mentioned how SWhite had been so driven and had walked in to the head of the English department's office and wanted to start a writing club. Battman said he thought, "See, that kid isnt as laid back as everyone thinks". He is pretty chill, not v. dominant in his classes haha (CPossehl).
HScott: Flustered easily (CPossehl), very Jocky, pretty driven, v. smart, "Asian" haha, she is definitleye the recipient of a lot of ribbing about that (she said she doesn't mind being called that because people think she is smarter than she actually is. She is half Chinese. This was interesting cause JLuo is first generation Chinese and no one calls her that, not really)
CBeaton: Artsy, angsty (CPossehl), you think she is quiet but then you get to know her and she is v. talkative, she is deceptively quiet.
JLuo: The MCooper of our grade. The Newspaper, A student, lots of energy, kind of deceptively quiet but when you talk to her she is just so bubbly (like KWhite). Lots of stuff we don't associate with her but that she does, like the funky Chinese instrument she plays and her ice skating.
Me: Passionate. "I feel like she's pretty fearless" CProcknow. "Capricious" said CPossehl and she said that one of the moments she remembers about me was sophomore year (actually junior year) when we were walking to science (chem) with EClark and someone else and I randomly started singing Annie, "Tomorrow" loudly. She was like "Oh, you have a really good voice" and I said thank you and kept on singing. PWalker said quiet and everyone was like WHAT WHAT are you talking about, "Well, see, I said quiet, but I really meant boisterous" haha. PWalker said his fav moment of me was in the musical when I just walked in and berated everyone. I was so red. (P.S. PWalker=Tevye).
OGerard: Golf. Straight A student. Preppy. Just very academic. Theater, a bit. General Ivy-Leaguer
CPossehl: Loud, passionate, opinionated. SWhite talked about how he was afraid to talk in sophomore English cause he thought she would just shoot him down haha and she was so embarrassed and kinda tried to apologize. This was funny cause she was later the one who told him he wasn't dominant in any of their classes and PWalker imitated her "You're not dominant because I'm Dominant!!!!". Confident. Very articulate and eloquent, Battman said that she was the only person who would come into his office and talk and talk and talk and talk and he would just be fascinated by everything she says. Knows her own mind.
PWalker: Hard to be pigeon holed =Battman. Associated with Speech and Debate even though he doesn't do it. Musical, jock (soccer), Model UN. Like this kid GSeigel from a couple years ago who had a huge ego but was just an annoying jerk, but PWalker is actually well known and well liked. Gets along with everyone. Loud.
We still have to do KWhite and TTran/Princess T, but I know what people will say about KWhite: jocky, very smart, so much energy, talks really really fast but has to think about it for a while, just good at EVERYTHING (art, sports, school), running.
I'm not sure what they'll say about TTran.
Anyways, this sounds more boring than the long discussion was, but there is a bit of a glimpse into life at my school and the niches the kids in AP English fill. Awesome excersize!

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