Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sun Baby

I am in my element in the summer. The heat and the constant motion and yet the floating at the same time. I am a baby of the sun, a darkening copper girl with insane black fire tendril hair. I am somewhere deep in my mind, just observing the warm greeness of gnats and chlorine. I sit on the stoop for hours reading and dozing off with open eyes, watching the people of my world walk by, consuming sweet sticky fruits that leave their delicious tropical yellow scents dripping off my soft fingers. I like just watching boys but not feeling any need to get involved and only talking to people that I like and not attempting to fix my internal problems but knowing that my intense peacefulness is slowly mending all the rips and tears that formed over the school year. I am cleaning up and moving like a girl caught in syrup, getting things done in a slog jog, not a rush, because there are hours and hours to fill and to pass while gazing at the blue sky and another bright day will come again. I sleep well, dreaming and letting all my worries and thoughts and fears pile out of me at night to join the rushing sound of the highway so that I am lighter and freeer when I wake up. I am happy, a Leo, a sun baby, warm and copper and golden and darkening, loving the way the sun caresses my body and my skin and loving wearing huge shirts and shorts around because I love my body and don't want to don't need to show off for objectifiers. I digest books and life all sitting on my front stoop and everything around me keeps moving while I am in the middle, floating, being, bounding through a river of sunshine, a sun baby in a life cradle.

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