Sunday, June 8, 2008


How do you feel about suprises? I, generally, enjoy them. I also, generally and honestly, expect them. I can just feel them coming.
I have always known that Green Eyed Demon would show up sometime when I wasn't expecting. Of course I figured this would be at like a rivalry game or something between our two schools, but I guess since I expected that, there was no possibility of it actually happening. So, after a year, where do I see the Green Eyed Demon?? At the SAT 2s. As if those aren't stress inducing enough!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly didn't think he was going to be there. What a scary gurgle in my tummy there was when he walked through the door in a pumpkin guts long sleeve shirt.
Still the same Green Eyed Demon. And, oh gosh, I tried to ignore him. I don't know why. I was just acting on instinct. But then he was there, hugging me and smiling at me and asking me how I was and LOOKING at me. He wouldn't stop looking at me. Every time I would be laughing with my friends (including Hebrew Boy), he was there, grinning and looking at me. Not like I looked awesome or anything, so I have no idea what thoughts were running through his head. I hadn't brushed my ridiculous amount of hair so it was piled in a frizzy bun on my head and I was wearing the same sweatshirt I've had since the summer before freshman year and bright yellow shorts that I found at the goodwill and were covered in stains from my various activities (eating, painting, drawing) and flip flops. But there he was looking at me and grinning at me.
Ironically, he was sitting next to Hebrew Boy during the tests. When I realized this I quickly looked inside to see how I felt...nothing. I felt absolutely nothing. The boys I've been pining over since like 6th grade sitting next to eachother. Hebrew boy on one side, quiet, stubborn, wirey but muscly, curly brown hair, thoughtfully staring out the window with those beautiful blue eyes and his favorite weird shoes under his sister's desk. Then the Green Eyed Demon on the other side, twitching in his chair, spazzy and quick, goofy, very muscly in a Disney man sense with that weird little blond patch of hair at the base of his neck sticking out from the mud brown crop on his head. And nothing. No flutters, no vomiting feelings. The first thought in my mind was actually how much I hate boys. Boys and all their....boyness. Their leering and their smiling and their broad shoulders and muscles and leaning on things and looking. Ugh boys. So I decided, I quit boys. Let's see how long this lasts!!!

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