Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So theres this kid...with a rotten reputation...who has caught my eye...maybe because I feel that I might have caught his eye in the metaphorical and literal sense...and I don't like him like that...but I must admit, I'm curious. I suppose watching him makes it worse, but I'm trying to figure him out. It's only been two days since I started wondering about this and I bet that the idea is premature and based on castles in the air (although I don't know if it's something I actually was wishing for...maybe just more the being noticed part) but it's still there and will probably not go away for a couple of days. Why? A lot of eye contact...has said my name more than normal...brushing up against me although there was a lot of room for him to manuever without touching me...but then again, this is kind of just...well, let's call him Tevye.
So I got into college...with a merit based scholarship of 16,000 and an offer to earn 8,000 more...and I haven't even applied for aid yet!!!!!! It's just cause I'm amazing. It makes me feel special in a way and awesome but also so boxed in. I have 7 schools to still write my applications for and I am not sure that this is the one...but it is so much money, I could possibly earn almost a full rid if I got the 8,000 dollars and the financial aid...which would be amazing because I really don't want to burden me or my parents with loans...Ugh.

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