Sunday, November 30, 2008

What others say about yours truly...inspired by stupid green eyes

Beeks: i would say you havent necessarily become stronger/righteous (i dont know if thats the right word though...)
youve just become more vocal about it
youve been a tough kid for a while. its not something you become. its something you are
ew no green eyes is dumb
yay for you for not backing down!you rock
i think its awesome anyways
i respect you more when youre honest rather than say what i want to hear
yes quite
a bit
wait actually no not really
well i feel that you are still really sheltered. no offense. but i also think you have changed in the fact that you arent as quick to judge people
like you dont immediately judge someone, you get to know them before you form an opinion.

Tybean: yes and no
yso helpful riight?
what i mean is
that you have changed but it is nopt anything huge but different parts of you have grown more predominant but you have become more i dont know i guess pensive and thoughtful
buyt when you do break the silence you will speak your mind completely and tell the blunt truth the sad thing is that most people you hang around are to pathetic to be able to handle the truthyeah cus like i dont know i've seen you do it a before where you will be upset with someone about something but decide that they vcan make their own choices but when they keep on doing the same stupid shit you call them out on it

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