Saturday, March 8, 2008

Thoughts of the Day

I want to try to match the amount of time I spend on facebook or my email accounts with the amount of time that I spend on the "Click to donte" websites. This is a very easy, quick way to help the world and I can certainly spare that time.
I want to try to keep my friends aware and thinking. I want to speak up for what I believe in, but not in a negative way. I want to take action NOW.
I want to redefine the word sexy for myself. Being sexy is being strong, standing tall, believing in yourself. That does not necessarily imply being skinny, showing skin and wearing tons of makeup.
I want to follow my dreams and to be passionate and to NO LONGER LET FEAR GET IN MY WAY. I want to try to do a random act of kindness everyday.
I want to tell the truth about everything and everyone and to never say things about someone that I can't say to them. I want to believe that kindness and goodness reside in everyone. I want to try to broaden my mind and to never allow it to close. Closed minds breed hate and fear. I want to be the best person that I can be and to help the world as much as I can. I want to spend less time watching TV and more time reading and keeping up news. I want to break stereotypes just to show that I can. I want to learn everything and anything possible and to really take full advantage of all the resources that I have. I want to address my own prejudices and biases, out loud and without fear.
And you know what?
I will.
As my friend A. says, START A REVOLUTION!!!

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